Hystrix-Box Tutorial


This tutorial only cover the basic tools of Hystrix-Box

Install and run Hystrix-Box

Install dependencies

Hystrix-Box supports Python 3.6 and above

To check whether you have an appropriate version of Python 3:

$ python3 --version

If this does not return a version number or returns a version lower than 3.5, you will need to install Python 3

Install Hystrix-Box

Use pip, which is packaged with Python, to install Hystrix-Box and its dependencies:

$ pip install hystrix-box

Add API keys

Open HystrixBox/keys.py and change the vars values corsponed to your API keys
you got when registering to Oxford Dictionaries

Run Hystrix-Box

Open CMD and type:

$ Hystrix-Box

If everything worked, you should be see this:
